The Quest for Harmonization of Healthcare Quality Reporting Standards The year 2018 was busy and fruitful for the CMS and…

The Importance of Predictive Models in Clinical Trials

Exploring Ballistocardiography for Remote Patient Monitoring
Ballistocardiography: Under the Hood Piezoelectric sensors are devices that convert changes in pressure, strain, temperature, and acceleration into electrical charge.…

Understanding Clinical Quality Language (CQL)
Understanding Clinical Quality Language (CQL) How Healthcare Quality Measures Work The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) employs Clinical…

Predictive Analytics: The Future of Precision Medicine
Currently, the treatment for cancer comprises of a combination of procedures including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. Traditionally, these…

The Opioid Epidemic: The Journey to Recovery
Understanding the Epidemic The illegal use of opioid drugs came into focus for the first time in the year 1999.…

New York State Workers Compensation
Changes in New York Workers Compensation Regulation: To improve healthcare participation of the providers in the New York State workers…

CMS launches Data Element Library to support Interoperability
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has unveiled the Data Element Library (DEL), which is a centralized resource…

The Unsung Warriors!
Workplace equality has always been a challenge. Here is a story of exemplary personalities who rose beyond the prejudices of the workplace.

ONC’s proposed rule to improve the Interoperability of Electronic Health Information
The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology has proposed a rule to put into practice the key provisions in the 21st Century Cures Act. The proposed rule breaks down the existing barriers to important data exchange needed to empower patients by giving them access to their own health care. This whitepaper talks about the scope and impact that the proposed rule aims for.

Infusion Therapy- Revolutionize
The new rule laid down by Medicare has included Health and Safety Standards for Home Infusion Therapy and new rules and regulations to administer Infusion Therapy. A considerable amount of change has also been made in the payment system of Infusion Therapy to overcome the issues previously faced by it.

Medicare welcomes RPM
Medicare has recently adopted a major technological change; Remote Patient Monitoring device, which is a method of healthcare delivery that uses the latest advances in information technology to gather patient data outside traditional healthcare settings.