Population Health Management is the systematic process of patient data gathering, analyzing and managing patient’s data in the health care…

Blue Button 2.0 and its impacts on different kinds of applications
The data being made available through Blue Button 2.0 initiative provides opportunities to leverage this data for meaningful purposes. Depending on the motivation of the user of these systems, the purpose and approach may differ.

BlueButton 2.0 Use Cases in Healthcare Ecosystem
Blue Button 2.0 is creating a data-centric ecosystem for Medicare beneficiaries. By facilitating access to patient health history, it has the potential to drive down Medicare spending and improve health outcomes.

Impacts of HHGM on Home Health Software
With the finalization of the Home Health Grouping Model, the CMS intends to shift from paying for volume to paying for value by eliminating therapy visits as a factor in payment determinations. The HHGM is expected to meet or exceed industry quality standards in healthcare by incentivizing home health providers. It also has the capability to remarkably influence the operations of home health agencies and healthcare industry as a whole.

Home Health Grouping Model
The current case-mix adjusted payments under the Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) are therapy driven, and beneficiaries with…

Deploying and Hosting Applications on the Cloud
Cloud is the new generation platform that is evolving with a goal to solve traditional problems and to optimize resource…

Benefits and Flexibility of Cloud Deployments Over Traditional Deployments
Cloud is the new generation platform that is evolving with a goal to solve the problems associated with traditional deployment.…

Blockchain and Data Transmission
For a data-intensive industry like healthcare sector, blockchain is a reforming technology, which could revolutionize the way data is managed.…

An Interpretive Guideline for Home Health CoPs
Though the final version for Interpretive Guidelines is not released, CMS released a draft on the final CoPs for HHAs providing specifics on all the sections under CoPs. Check out our blog to know more.

Medication Adherence- An overview
Medication adherence is defined by the World Health Organization as the degree to which the person’s behavior corresponds with the…

Nalashaa’s MU3 Certification Process
So far we have discussed the challenges and solutions of MU3 implementation and the process of the certification. To discuss…

MU3 Certification Management Handbook
In the previous section, we have discussed the challenges while implementing MU3 and the how to solve them like an…