For a data-intensive industry like healthcare sector, blockchain is a reforming technology, which could revolutionize the way data is managed.…

An Interpretive Guideline for Home Health CoPs
Though the final version for Interpretive Guidelines is not released, CMS released a draft on the final CoPs for HHAs providing specifics on all the sections under CoPs. Check out our blog to know more.

Medication Adherence- An overview
Medication adherence is defined by the World Health Organization as the degree to which the person’s behavior corresponds with the…

Nalashaa’s MU3 Certification Process
So far we have discussed the challenges and solutions of MU3 implementation and the process of the certification. To discuss…

MU3 Certification Management Handbook
In the previous section, we have discussed the challenges while implementing MU3 and the how to solve them like an…

Meaningful Use Stage 3 Certification: Challenges and Solutions
According to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), by the start of 2019, hospitals will be required to…

Medicare Home Health Conditions of Participation (CoPs) – A quick look
Blog_Hospital What are the changes for home health EHRs following the new Conditions of Participation (CoPs)? A home health agency…

PCMH – To be certified or not?
Primary care practices have been given the added responsibility of coordinating advanced patient care with physicians, to ensure quality care…

Happy Women’s Week!
Over the years I have come across women who have, however clichéd it may sound, broken barriers, proved people wrong,…

Value-Based Reimbursement Is a Top Expectation of Patients
Value-based reimbursement has reached its tipping point and is here to stay. Of the payers and providers surveyed in the…

Value-Based Healthcare is Forcing EHR Innovation
Modern electronic health records (EHR) has come to represent an umbrella term for health information technology (IT). Basically, all the…

Mitra – A Bond between Nalashaa and Antaraganga
Antaraganga is a residential school for mentally and physically challenged children and our association with Antaraganga started in 2014. This…