With the latest Interoperability and Patient Access rule, the proposals to reduce provider and patient burden, FHIR-based APIs have become the talk of…
Watch Out for these Anchors Holding you Back from Compliance
The proposed rule is currently titled ‘Reducing provider and patient burden’. However, the proposed rules do not promise any reduction…
Proposals from the CMS to Reduce Burden
Since the past couple of years, the CMS began its journey to instill interoperability into the healthcare ecosystem and trying…
Infusion Therapy- Revolutionize
The new rule laid down by Medicare has included Health and Safety Standards for Home Infusion Therapy and new rules and regulations to administer Infusion Therapy. A considerable amount of change has also been made in the payment system of Infusion Therapy to overcome the issues previously faced by it.
Medicare welcomes RPM
Medicare has recently adopted a major technological change; Remote Patient Monitoring device, which is a method of healthcare delivery that uses the latest advances in information technology to gather patient data outside traditional healthcare settings.
Nalashaa’s MU3 Certification Process
So far we have discussed the challenges and solutions of MU3 implementation and the process of the certification. To discuss…
MU3 Certification Management Handbook
In the previous section, we have discussed the challenges while implementing MU3 and the how to solve them like an…
Meaningful Use Stage 3 Certification: Challenges and Solutions
According to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), by the start of 2019, hospitals will be required to…
Medicare Home Health Conditions of Participation (CoPs) – A quick look
Blog_Hospital What are the changes for home health EHRs following the new Conditions of Participation (CoPs)? A home health agency…