“Substitutable Medical Applications, Reusable Technologies” aka SMART is a standard framework to facilitate the development of interchangeable healthcare applications. Since its…

Keep Your Providers Happy With Assistance from Analytic Solutions
A good provider network is essential for payers. Finding new providers and enrolling them into networks is relatively easier than maintaining one.…

Utilize Data Analytics to Reduce Member Dropout
Member management is crucial to healthcare payer organizations. Member engagement KPIs are what decide a payer’s Net Promoter Score. This…

How Do Analytics Help Reduce Payer’s Burden?
Before we step into how data analytics can transform a payer’s organization for the better, one must address the chains…

The Various Facets of FHIR
FHIR has taken the healthcare industry by storm. Health plans are rushing to incorporate FHIR into their systems to not…

Reducing Burden with FHIR APIs – Part 2
With the latest Interoperability and Patient Access rule, the proposals to reduce provider and patient burden, FHIR-based APIs have become the talk of…

Reducing Operational Burden with FHIR APIs – Part 1
With the introduction of the Interoperability and Patient Access rule, FHIR APIs created quite the buzz within both the payer and the provider communities. As…

What’s So Great About FHIR? Find Out Here
Affordable healthcare is the need of the hour and interoperability is the means to that end. The healthcare ecosystem is looking…

The Genesis of FHIR
The need for interoperability was first highlighted back in the 1980s when payer organizations had to expand to working with data from…

Provider Network Management Challenges and Solutions
Managing a provider network can be a time-consuming and repetitive task because government regulations are constantly changing. Furthermore, each organization…

Watch Out for these Anchors Holding you Back from Compliance
The proposed rule is currently titled ‘Reducing provider and patient burden’. However, the proposed rules do not promise any reduction…

The Top Five Areas for HIT Developers in IT Management
Provider expectation from HIT vendors has grown exponentially. These expectations encompass data security to application performance and the manageability of IT resources and…